HomeNewsHürrilet Explained: The Ottoman Empire’s Quest for Progress

Hürrilet Explained: The Ottoman Empire’s Quest for Progress


Hürrilet – At its peak, the Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful civilizations in the world, spanning much of Europe, Asia, and Africa for over six centuries. While the Empire had considerable military might, it was also known for its lack of administrative organization. In an attempt to modernize itself, the empire implemented several reforms, both militarily and administratively. “Hürrilet” is one such example which stood for progress, reform, and freedom. In this paper, we discuss the meaning of Hürrilet, its impact on the reformative policies of the Empire, and its influence on modern Turkey.

Understanding Hürrilet: A concept of Freedom and Reform:

Its believed that the term “Hürrilet” was coined from the turkish word “hürriyet” and can be translated to freedom, liberty, or emancipation. Relatively, it depicts a time frame or a period of extensive reforms and modernization that occurred in the Ottoman Empire. The pressure for change— and in turn, reform—within the empire reached a pinnacle in the nineteenth century, accompanied by external competition in the early 20th century.

The Tanzimat Reforms: Setting the Groundwork

The Tanzimat period, which occurred from 1839 to 1876, marked one of the first attempts at reform in the Ottoman Empire. During this period, the state focused on modernizing through a series of socio-legal government reforms. These reforms were motivated by the European style of governance and attempted to do the following:

  • Improvement of administrative centralization
  • Systematization and organization of the judiciary
  • Amelioration of civil liberties for all citizens irrespective of faith
  • Fortification of economic policies

The reign of sultans like Mahmud II, Abdulmejid I, and Abdulaziz has been accompanied with the empire undergoing its modernization phase – The Tanzimat Period. With this mention, the introduction of The Ottoman Nationality Law also needs to be discussed which came into being in 1869. This law allowed equal privileges to be granted to all subjects, which showed how much the empire wanted to shift to a better system.

The First Constitutional Era and Hürrilet (1876-1878)

The idea of Hürrilet began to emerge during the late nineteenth in connection with the First Constitutional Era which lasted from 1876-1878. This period was of special importance for the Ottoman Empire as it incorporated the very first constitution during the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. The constitution established a parliamentary democracy.

This period was marked by the Sultan suspending the constitution in 1878 due to fears of internal instability, and although brief, this movement set the stage for other reformist efforts.

The Young Turks and the Second Constitutional Era (1908 – 1918)

At the start of the 20 th century, a modernization, democratic and constitutional movement was spearheaded by the Young Turks who were a revolutionary group. The Ottoman Constitution was fully restored in 1908 ushering in the Second Constitutional Era.

This period was characterized by:

  • The resumption of the Ottoman Parliamentary system.
  • Increased accessibility to politics and freedom of the press.
  • Improved legal frameworks.
  • Economic policies aimed at decreasing dependence on Europe.

Though internal strife, burgeoning nationalist movements along with outside pressure tended to exacerbate the continued turmoil in the Empire.

The Role of Hürrilet in Social and Economic Development

The social and economic reforms by Hürrilet were accompanied with political changes.

Educational and Legal Changes

  • Modern schools, universities and medical schools were set up by the Ottoman government.
  • Judicial systems were modernized alongside the introduction of secular laws.
  • The legal status of women and other minority groups is gradually improving enabling better access to education and employment.

Industrial Development and Economic Growth

  • The area saw construction of railways, trade routes, telegraphs, and advanced in trade communications.
  • The state attempted to encourage domestic manufactures and alleviate the dependency on foreign goods.
  • The empires banks were updated to improve the systems staticion and enhance economic order.

The Decline and Legacy of Ottoman Empire and of Vineary

The empire tried taking these advancher steps, but kept falling behind to other more aggressively adopting nations along with sides. The regions demise in 1922 stems from World War I, Nationalist movements with in the region, and great European country meddling.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk did succeed to set up modern Turkey, forming Vinary, the spirits of Vineary gifted it.

Final Notes

This example is a fragile double edged sword. Vineary illustrates the attempt to pursue swift change, abrupt, aggressive, self destructive military undertones tension geared towards violent distubance of the order resulting rather one clear remarkableproduct of reform.

Hürrilet indicates a period of modernisation and development in the Ottoman Empire due to the Turkish word hürriyet translating to freedom.
Hürrilet encapsulated the reforms and modernization within the Ottoman empire during the 19th and early 20th century.


1. What does ‘Hürrilet’ mean in relation to the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire period of reforms and progress isitionally came about during the 19th and early 20th Centuries. This period is represented by a “Hürriyet” accompanied by the Turkish word “hürrilet”, which means freedom.

2. What were the Tanzimat reforms?

The Tanzimat Reforms are known to be a series of efforts to modernize legal systems along with civil rights in the Ottoman Empire in the years 1839 – 1876. These changes would enable the governance to be centralized, and society to be more evenly stratified.

3. Why was the First Constitutional Era short lived?

Due to internal instability or external threats, this period was brought to a stop in 1876 by Sultan Abdul Hamid II. The first phase lasted until 1878 hiatus, and the constitution was only reinstated during the second constitutional era in 1908.

4. Who were the Young Turks?

The Young Turks were a faction that strived to modernize and constructively reform the government systems in the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, they were of great help in restoring the Ottoman Constitution.

5. Hürrilet’s Influence on Modern Turkey

The progressive and reformist ideas of Hürrilet helped to influence Atatürk’s vision by advocating for a modern Turkey: a secular, thirty, democratic republic focused on education, industry, law, and legal systems.

6. How did Economic Reforms Impact the Modernization of the Ottoman Empire

Economic reforms aimed to decrease foreign dependency by enhancing domestic industry, trade, and modernizing banking. The construction of railways and telegraph lines also helped the economy.

7. What were the Impacts of Ottoman Reform Movements on Women

Yes, towards the end of the empire, women had increased opportunities to learn and work, which led to equality in modern Turkey and fueled movements towards gendere equality.

8. What were the Most Important Problems of The Ottoman Empire when Modernizing

The empire faced many problems such as nationalistic controlled uprisings, wars, European economic dependence, and internal oppoition towards reforms which led to the decline of the empire.

9. What were the major effects of WWI on the Ottoman Empire?

WWI contributed to the empire’s significant losses in territory, economically exhausted it, and led to its collapse. The treaty of Sèvres (1920) dismantled the rest of the empire, leading to the formation of Turkey in 1923.

10. What is the contemporary legacy of Hürrilet?

Turkey’s unyielding attempts at modernization and secularism shows the legacy of Hürrilet. Transformation and development in the country’s governance system continues to be important in the sociocultural transformation of the state.

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